Saturday, January 27, 2024

Research in context report - Next essay

 So we've been given the brief for our second and final essay during this MA Game Design course. It ties in with the work we did on our first essay that covered research methodologies and had us looking into the area of our course we were interested in researching and the area that our practice was being developed in, for me this was a look into transformative and pro-social games (games that make a difference).

The essay is again 2500 words and broken down into four sections:

- Introduction - 250 words
Describe your practice and the aims of your project.

- Personal Research - 1000 words
Explore the ability to connect, network and discuss relevant appropriate issues with artists, designers and others who can inform your journey.  You must evidence you have contacted professionals. Please discuss at least 2 in relation to your own practice. (put in the appendix at the end of the essay)

- Practitioner Lecture Series - 1000 words
Explore and critically evaluate the creative practices, methods and philosophies of people in the lecture series. You must attend all the lectures and choose at least 3 of the lecturers to write about in relation to your own practice.

- Research Reflection - 250 words
Write 250 words on how networking, meetings and lectures influenced and shaped your own practice.

The list of speakers for our following guest lectures who will discuss their own practices in several different creative disciplines.

DAVID BUNTING - Animation Director

REBECCA APPLEBY - Ceramics plus fashion

CLAIRE NORCROSS - Lighting designer

JOHNNY HANNAH - Illustrator

SARAH LYNCH - Interior Designer

JENNY RUTTER - Director of Super Slow Way

ROB WATSON - Graphic Designer

As well as these guest lectures there are a series of events going on with industry specialists delivering talks an presentations that can be used for the practitioner lecture series part of the essay such as The Yorkshire Games Festival, CJam, Conference Week, Fashion Talks week.

Alongside these lectures I also have some prospective people with which to try and get in touch with in regards to the Personal Research Studies section such as Dr. Dean Marshall a lecturer of Psychology at Arden University who also runs a D&D group with streamed events on Twitch with a group called "Hot Eights" where I could discuss the psychology of using NPC's to guide or direct players in certain directions as well as avoiding reactance theory in group game settings since multiple people have different levels of rebelliousness and conformity.  Also I discovered the blogs of Emily Short the Creative Director of Failbetter Games and who specialises in interactive storytelling especially through narrative gameplay over action and discusses at length within her blog the use of conversation between players and NPC's as well as dialogue within narrative games and how to improve it to create more naturalistic conversations leading to more immersion on the players behalf which can ascertain better results from a transformative or pro-social game.

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